By: Lidia Evita, Treasurer for Humanitarians of the World Inc.
On Sat August 6th 2016, at the Jackson Heights Park in Queens, Close to Elmhurst Hospital, Humanitarians of The World Inc , (HOTWINC) , Did a Street Homeless Presentation, to over 20 Male Homeless People , living in the Streets.

Al & Benitez living in the Streets 3 Years
Each Person Got a Tote Bag Full , of Food , Clothing with consisted of : Tee-Shirts, Caps, Backpacks, Sanitizing Cream, Water Bottle, Fresh Sandwiches, Fresh Fruits, Healthy Snacks and healthy bars, Healthy Prepared Salads , Fruit Juices and fresh waters ,and much more.

Fresh Food Given To Street Homeless People
Since Aug 2015, on a weekly basis, Humanitarians of The World Inc , packages these bags for about 20 Street Homeless people, and alongside our volunteers, we present these to the Street Homeless people, Close to 960 Bags filled with food and basic necessities, has been given to the Street Homeless people, so far this year. If we keep on pace close to over 1000 Bags will be given before the year 2016, is over impacting over 200 Street Homeless individuals.

Clothing & Gifts given in Tote bags
We would say Seventy Percent (70%), of the food items are bought by Humanitarians of The World Inc , with 30% given in kind donations, basic necessities items Sixty percent (60%) is in kind donations, from Corporations and individuals , and Thirty Percent (30%) is bought by Humanitarians of The World Inc .
Humanitarians of the World Inc, has helped close to half million throughout the world, since it’s been in existence for the past 6 years.
Humanitarians of The World Inc.., is presently looking for Donation of a used Mini-van so we can , do more of our Needy family , Homeless Street Work ,at this time we are using volunteer’s personal cars and limits us in our work, if you have a Mini-Van or might know someone who can donate it , please contact us immediately, you will get a full Tax Donation for your Donation Since we are a 501(c)(3), Non-Profit Organization based here in New York City. To make a donation go to

Dr.Abbey with Jose Homeless for 5 Years
The primary goal of Humanitarians Of The World Inc. is to help the
Neediest of people throughout the world wherever they may be in need.

Liliana Hotw Inc Volunteer with Homeless People
Humanitarians Of The World Inc. does not receive federal, state or city funding but raises money through charitable contributions made by corporate or private concerns. The members of HOTWINC are caring community minded people that give their time and funds, to help those less fortunate and in dire need of assistance. The very essence of the organization’s foundation is the humanitarian causes it serves. Seventy five percent of the money HOTWINC receives through fundraising and other charitable activities will fund the organization’s humanitarian causes.

Trolley used for clothing & bedding For Homeless
See More about Humanitarians Street family 2016 Presentation.