Donation Form

Please click and print out the Contribution Form:

Contribution Form

Make your tax deductible check payable to:

42-26 76th St, Suite 1
Elmhurst, NY 11373

For more information on making a donation to the HOTW INC,
please call and ask to speak to Steve Webner 718-507-7616


We offer the following sponsorship options for our upcoming Hall of Fame Class 2021 Dinner and Entertainment Show.

HONORING Hall of Fame Class 2020 Sponsorship Form

Hotwinc:  Journal Full  page ad: $1000

Hotwinc: Journal  Half  Page Ad: $500

Hotwinc: Journal  Quater Page Ad: $250

Hotwinc Gala Donation $300

For all donations over $1000 please download the above form. For donations of $1000 and below, please use the below form.

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