BY: World Liberty TV Coronavirus (COVID-19) Team
Gov. Andrew Cuomo in recent days has talked about a regional approach to reopening businesses in New York as a way to slowly bring back the state’s economy.
Any plan would likely start with parts of upstate New York that have had the fewest coronavirus cases and deaths. More than 90% of the deaths, hospitalizations and cases have been in New York City and its suburbs.
”We operate as one state, but we also have to understand variations,” Cuomo said Tuesday in Buffalo.You do want to get this economy open as soon as possible. And if a situation is radically different in one part of the state than another part of the state, take that into consideration.”

Gov of New York Andrew Cuomo Doing a Great job for NYS
Non-essential businesses and schools in New York are closed through May 15th , but Cuomo and regional leaders have talked about moving soon after to at least ease of the restrictions in parts of the state.
”State and local leaders have taken strong steps to stop the spread of the virus — reducing the health impact,” said Michael Kracker, executive director of Unshackle Upstate, a business group.”The economic impact, however, has taken an extraordinary toll on an already struggling upstate economy.”
Cuomo has long warned about a patchwork approach to reopening parts of the state’s economy, saying any plans need to be coordinated statewide and ideally with neighboring states.If New Jersey closes its beaches, then sun seekers will simply head to Long Island beaches. If New York keeps its casinos closed, but Connecticut reopens theirs, then gamblers will head across the border.A similar scenario could play out within the state’s borders.
If upstate resort towns are allowed to reopen, they could be overwhelmed with New York City residents looking for a reprieve — and doing so could open the state to a new round of coronavirus spread.
Cuomo said Tuesday night he is concerned that reopening parts of upstate could shift the virus’ spread, saying leaders need to “as smart as we can” as they develop an economic plan.New York has 10 economic regions, and each region might look at its own strategy to let certain businesses reopen, officials said.
For example, Cuomo on Tuesday announced elective surgeries would be now be allowed in most counties outside the New York metropolitan area, excluding Clinton, Yates, Schuyler, Erie and Rensselaer.
New York still leads the nation by far in deaths and positive COVID-19 cases, but it has started to flatten the curve of the virus’ spread.
Cuomo said the goal now is not to reopen too quickly and have the trajectory shoot back up. That will also come with additional testing, which is another immediate goal of the state.”Do no harm. Don’t go backwards,” he said Tuesday. “That’s the first point and then plan the reopening.”
New York City, meanwhile, and its suburbs could still be months away from a reopening plan.Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday said a key to reopening businesses might be requiring workplace temperature checks.
”They’ve been an important tool in other countries that have had some of the better experiences containing the coronavirus and working their way back,,” he said.One problem, he said: There are not enough thermometers available to restart a city of more than 8 million people.
”What you want as you come back is the ability to constantly monitor for who might be sick and then get them to quarantine or isolation,” de Blasio said.On Monday, Cuomo announced a “Reimagine New York” task force of the downstate county leaders to rebuild the area’s economy.
Gov. Cuomo: Well the CDC guidance says before any state should open you need two weeks of flat or declining numbers, right? So by the feds CDC guidance we are not there yet. So even by a region we’d have to do two weeks of flat or declining.”
The president has continued to predict the country will quickly return to normal and bounce back like never before, but he has limited say in when and how that could begin. Many governors have instituted stay-at-home orders and other lockdowns until at least June.
And Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top expert on infectious diseases, has cautioned that the virus dictates the timeline and warned that to “gradually” reopen the country widespread testing must be in place, so doctors can better identify, isolate and trace cases.
Asked about the need for nationwide testing in order to send Americans back to work at Thursday’s briefing, the president largely dismissed the question, touting the country’s testing of two million people “a milestone anywhere,” while saying that testing all 325 million Americans is impractical and “not gonna happen.”
“We want to have it and we’re going to see if we have it. Do you need it? No. Is it a nice thing to do? Yes,” the president said.
Unfazed by mounting criticism from mayors in his state and President Trump, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp forged ahead with his decision to allow businesses across the state to reopen Friday, as the confirmed coronavirus death toll in the United States passes 50,000 people.
Kemp, a Republican serving in his first term, was one of the last governors to impose a stay-at-home order for his state, which took effect on April 3.
Citing “favorable data, enhanced testing and approval of our health care professionals,” Kemp said Monday that some businesses once deemed nonessential, like fitness centers, tattoo parlors and nail salons, can welcome back customers starting Friday.
In a tweet on Friday, the president reiterated his most recent stance that it was too soon for Georgia to reopen.
Savannah Mayor Van Johnson: said the governor’s decision was “reckless” on CNN earlier this week, adding he was “beyond disturbed” by it.
Georgia Department of Public Health reported that as of Friday afternoon, there have been 892 deaths in the state related to COVID-19.
Carolyn Goodman, the independent mayor of Las Vegas:, has said she wants the city’s casinos, hotels and stadiums to quickly reopen in an interview that attracted widespread criticism. “I want our restaurants open. I want our small businesses open. I want people back in employment,” “I’d love everything open because I think we’ve had viruses for years that have been here,” the mayor added. “I want us open in the city of Las Vegas so our people can go back to work.”
The interview quickly attracted criticism, with one veteran Nevada journalist calling it “the single most embarrassing thing” he had seen from a state politician in 35 years.
So it seems Georgia and Las Vegas are taking the plunge, by trying to open the states, faster than other states, and it could back fire on them right now, from what i am understanding, from Government officials, experts and health officials , including CDC, guidance says before any state should open you need two weeks of flat or declining numbers, right? So by the feds CDC guidance we are not there yet. So even by a region we’d have to do two weeks of flat or declining.”
I have to agree with our Governor Cuomo, start slowly New York Upstate , see what happens there and take baby steps, and start moving in other regions of the state if all is well., gradually start opening the state for business.
But right now what Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, is doing opening all of the state, opening everything, Saloon’s Tattoo parlors, and other business’s, it seems suicidal, for its people and state of Georgia, i hope i am wrong, in making this comment, for the many lives of Georgia,I have many friends in that great state, they are totally against the idea of opening so soon,and are scared of all the consequences that might come with this.
Now Carolyn Goodman, the independent mayor of Las Vegas, is also making a huge mistake by opening Las Vegas Casino’s, where all the people sitting around, in contact with each other and its ticking time bomb, for COVID-19. I go to las Vegas every year at CES, and have many fellow Journalist attend and am very fond of the city. But opening it up so soon might not be the right time right now.
Again in Conclusion, I am very happy we are in New York (Epic Center of Coronavirus),we have a wonderful Gov, Cuomo who is putting peoples safety first and doing the right thing each step of the way, and at the same time like to give a shout out to our Mayor DeBlasio, who too is doing a wonderful job with New York City.
I believe Las Vegas Mayor, and Georgia Governor can learn from these 2 great leaders, Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bill De Blasio and maybe use there template in there respected states.
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