We went to Cancun Mexico from May 27th 2023 till June 3rd 2023. As we travelled the World we take many gifts for Homeless people living in the Streets. For our Cancun Mexican North American, Humanitarians of the World Inc., (www.hotwinc.org) . We took close to 30 bags filled with gifts for the homeless.

Dr Abbey with Rosa Homeless in Cancun Downtown
ROSA :First person we met was an older Mexican lady by the name of Rosa, who was 63 years old and has been living in the park for over 20 years, no family or friends, according to Rosa when we interviewed here. She begs for money from local cars going by, many times many people who go to work, stop by and give her money.
She also went to say, she sleeps behind the tree in the evenings in the park, acooroding to Rosa, there is always police officers patrolling the area and she feels safe there.

Dr Abbey with Lope and Fernando both living on the streets
Lope and Fernando :, both homeless living on a street corner, no shoes, dirty clothes sitting in mud. So both of them are friends, they have family living in Mexico City, they moved to Downtown Cancun many years ago, got involved with Alcohol abuse, went to rehabs could not kick the habit. Lived on the streets for most of their lives. So they are on the street corner panhandling, soon as they have enough money they buy beer and Tequila they both share.
They both asked me for some Peso’s, so when I asked them what you need the money for, they said a beer. So I told told them since they were honest about it. How about i buy you a plate of food each with a soft drink each, they said beer would be better. But they took my offer, I ended up buying, a Beef Taco and an Empanada as well as a Coco Cola for both of them as well as giving them a bag to each one of them.

Dr Abbey with Pablo with Mental Issues living in the Streets
Pablo (AKA Pablito) A very Young Kid in his Twenty’s has deep mental issues, Pablo was not able to speak too well , he had problem’s speaking. We spoke to an friend who lives with him on the streets with Pablo. He told us that he met Pablo 2 years ago, on the streets and is always quite, has family who does not care about him, his father was alcoholic and mother a drug addict. When Pablo was born he had birth defects, he cannot speak properly, does not sleep too well at night. He went on to say since Pablo does not speak or tell him too much he could not tell us too much about him.

Dr Abbey with Needy Labors
Day Workers making no income: A lot of others we gave Gifts and basic necessities, were day labors who hung around Downtown Cancun area, looking for Jobs. A lot of the guy’s doing day labor jobs. Had bad experiences, one guy buy the name of Chicko , said he worked for an moving company for 1 week and his boss told him that he will pay him , at the end of the week . So after working for 7 days when it came to pay day, the boss never showed, he disappeared.
Chicko never got any of the money which he needed desperately to pay for his rent. He lives with his wife in a room. If he cannot pay the rent, he might have to move back with his wife’s parents, who are already struggling with 12 people living in a small apartment. So I asked Chicko through our interpreter, did he file a report or tell the police about his situation, he said. It is not worth it you need to file court papers, you need money for that and he does not have it. So there is nothing can be done. But he did tell me that when he gets a job, he wants to be paid daily or he will not work, as he said it’s better to lose one day’s pay then seven days pay.
A lot of his friends had similar stories, and experiences, 2 of them became homeless and started living on the streets. Keeping in mind these are good people who are willing to work and do the right thing in life and get caught up with the wrong people and their life’s take a different direction.

Dr Abbey with CanCun Police Officer
I thank (Allah) , God. That he gives me the energy and stamina and wisdom to help these people with donating some gifts and make these people important for that few minutes and let them know they too are someone in society, Human beings who are down and out on their look.
I have been a Humanitarian for over 45 years, helping folks like these throughout the world, without ever taking a single penny for my services. Acts of humanity is a great thing to do in this life. Do as much as you can, Finically, Giving Gifts and if you are not in any position to do anything just say a prayer, that will be enough.

Dr Abbey with Chicko & Oscar living in the Streets
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